Decision Making for Retreatment of Failures in Dental Medicine: Perio Failure.
SKU : 9781786980090
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A 78-year-old male patient presented with a crown fracture on a mandibular central incisor. The clinical examination and radiographic analysis showed the presence of multiple teeth with deep abrasions on the mesial and distal aspects. The patient reported that he had undergone nonsurgical periodontal therapy every 3 months as a supportive therapy after having received periodontal surgery more than 20 years before. The periapical radiograph of the mandibular central incisor showed a chronic periapical lesion due to necrotic pulp, which was traumatically induced by the recurrent scaling and root planing. The endodontic lesion perforated the buccal plate, and implant placement with simultaneous GBR was necessary.